Monday, December 25, 2006

Things that made me smile today

Originally uploaded by Rachel Ariel.

Christmas may not be my holiday, but I thought I would put together a list of some of my new favorite things:
Foodler Definitely check it out if you're in the DC area.

Chuck Palahniuk wants you to write

Learning to Love you More you should never get bored.

I saw Blood Diamond today, and it was intense and hit me very hard. All I wanted to do was sob, and unfortuantely I was not with someone I felt comfortable sobbing in front of. And of course, by the time I got home the moment had passed.

When I worked at the counseling agency last year I worked with a number of people who are Catholic. A couple of them, who are married to one another, told me that on Good Friday they would watch a movie about conflict, something that helped them to think about the complexity of the world and its issues.

I am not new to the idea of conflict free diamonds. A number of my friends have gotten engaged or married in the last eighteen months, and each time I have asked them what they know about their diamonds. Because I am curious. What do my crunchy, hippie, Quaker friends do out in the world? How many of them stick to their ideals, and how many of them fall by the wayside?

I don't have a lot of room to talk, I have a Verizon phone, I hold major credit cards, I have a Macintosh computer. I've done enough research to know that I am not without guilt, so I throw no stones. But the thoughts are always sitting in my mind, they watch me.

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