Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Started making plans to kill my own kind

A note on absenteeism. This has not been an easy couple of weeks for me. Unfortunately there is very little of it that is mine to talk about, but in the interest of completeness and honesty, right now is not an easy place for me to be. Things get better in bits and spurts, but it's not quite awesome. And by not quite awesome I mean at least I don't quite feel like I'm drowning in this moment.

As is my wont, when I get stressed out I create small, or sometimes large projects for myself. The current project that is percolating is one in which I see all of the monuments and museums in DC in one weekend. This is a baby idea right now, and i have two days in which to nurture it. How many hours will it take? Is my goal of only walking a reasonable one? How many miles will it be by the end? Should I go to museums that are closed, or am I exempt from those? Does the library of congress count as either a museum or a monument?

Does anyone want to join me?

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