Monday, April 10, 2006

Nick Bantock ruined my life

Paper Cranes.JPG
Originally uploaded by Rachel Ariel.

A proposal:

There are dozens of interesting people I have encountered through the internet. Mostly I quietly observe their doings, their art, whatever form it takes. I know about them what I can gather from what they decide is important.

A thought.

All of these people create, in some way or another. They all put something into the world that was not there before, they create beauty, or ugliness, or a new way of looking at things, or a new way of thinking about things.

And they are all very busy doing it. Some work full time, some are students. I', constantly running into a problem... there are simply not enough hours.

And sometimes you get tired. Sometimes you feel like no one is paying attention, that no one would notice if you stopped doing what you're doing. If you just went to work to get the money to pay the rent, and came home and watched tv. And no one would notice if the small things that you used to send out into the world simply stopped coming.

I want to create a community of people who would notice. People you don't know other than through the abstract movings of the internet. I want to take the concepts that exist on the internet and create something tactile, something real in the world. Because when I hear the music you've created, it isnt really your music, it's a series of 000111000011101 that translate into your music. likewise your pictures arent your pictures, your art is not your art, it is all just a sequence of binary code which represent these things that we do.

And so I propose a community of art by mail. You input your address, and you chose an address. Don't chose a name you know, chose a name you don't know. Write a letter, make a mix, glue a whole bunch of stuff to a shoe, and send it out.

Reclaim the romance of getting something that isn't a bill in the mail.

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