So here I sit in Great Falls, Virginia, trying not to fall asleep and then wondering... why? why should i not fall asleep? aside from the desperate fear of my contact lenses adhereing themselves to my eyeballs, there is really no reason. perhaps i shall go to sleep... and sleep for a very long time. or perhaps i shall wander downstairs and eat some very very good food that i did not pay for.
There have been some tribulations since the move... cat issues, roomie issues, job stress and boy stress... but everything seems to be resolving itself in a generally reasonable manner. My job is awesome. It is not what I want to do with the rest of my life, but for now it is in the field in which I want to work, and it is at an organization I am thrilled to be working with. As much as I loved working at the counseling agency... I had a fairly limited job description and no real room for advancement. Here... here I could work for five years before I felt the need to consider going back to school. Not that I think that's the way things will come down... but I could do it. I could be happy working at Women for Women for a good many years. Though, as I said, perhaps not in the exact place where I am now. I am learning a lot, though it would be difficult to describe, lots of communication and outreach and such things.
the sleep bug is taking me... so i think i'll "put a dash in it" as one of my old professors had a tendency to say.
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