Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by Rachel Ariel.

Listening to: NMH (ipod on shuffle for the first time in ages)

There are certain situations that make me feel as though no matter how much I learn I will always be a novice. Sometimes I think that any subject on which I have actually devoted any amount of time studying actually falls into this category. Today, and most days, it is the Israel / Arab/ Palestinian/ Middle East Conflict.

Folk at work asked me last week "how concerned" am I about the current situation with Lebanon. I don't always know what to say when asked questions like that. I'm always concerned when there is violence in Israel. I also remember that living in Israel is just like living anywhere else, they just happen to be in the International news a whole lot. People still get up every day, they go to work, they send their kids to school, or camp, or out to play with their friends. People live their lives because they have to.

But I'm no expert. I've lived in Israel about a total of six months. I can't speak authoritatively on anything really. My Israeli friends are concerned though. They are worried, and they are nervous, and they are trying to go about their business, just like everyone else in the world.

In reference to God and belief, one of Jonathan Safran Foer's characters says "I'm an atheist, but I believe that it's very complicated". I think that sentiment basically describes almost every thing I believe. I know what I think about something, but I know that if it is in any way important, that it is complicated beyond my comprehension. Part of the reason zealots scare me beyond reason.

There are so many things that I believe, but reigning over them all, is my firm belief that Israel has a right, a necessity to exist.

I also believe that the Palestinians need their own land.

I believe that the Arab countries have treated the Palestinian people atrociously and no one seems to be paying attention to it.

I believe that destroying someone's home is not going to accomplish anything but making that person more mad at you.

I believe that misinformation often creates a veil behind which more ominous ideas may hide.

I believe that any army which uproots fruit trees needs to reevaluate it's motives (especially if that army is the army for the homeland of a people who believe that if one is planting a tree when the Messiah arrives you must finish planting the tree and then go greet the Messiah).

I believe that people have the capacity to make the world an amazing place.

I believe that people have the capacity to destroy the world.

I believe that there is no person who wakes up in the morning with the thought "Today I will do evil".

I believe that violence necessary only rarely, and only after a breakdown in diplomacy.

I believe that the majority of problems in the world stem from communication issues, people who don't, can't or refuse to understand one another.

I believe that I am an incredibly naiive person.

I beileve that I am an incredibly jaded person.

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