Monday, February 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by Rachel Ariel.

Currently Listening To: Brian Eno "Golden Hours"
Currently Reading: Handwritten: Expressive Lettering in the Digital Age

I'm researching again, and it feels really good. Something shifted last week. I was suddenly out of a rut I'd gotten stuck in. I'm surrounded by ideas, and instead of feeling jealous that other people are so creative and I am stuck, I look at them and say "what can I learn from this?" I want to hang paper cranes from the ceiling, I want to send tiny thoughts and ideas into the world that will make people smile, that will make them want to make other people smile. I want to be a phenomenologist, I want to buy the world a Coke (well, not really, but its a similar kind of sentiment).

I had a dream last night that A. was in Jacksonville with E. and for some reason this meant that I couldn't see him anymore. Then I had a dream that I accidentally used the papertowel I had been using to clean up spilled wood oil to wipe down my computer screen. That was a weird dream. Especially since I don't have wood oil. But it is something I would do.

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