Monday, November 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by Rachel Ariel.
I attended a fundraising event for an organization called Women for Women international about a week and a half ago. It was in Los Angeles, which meant that I got to take a short trip and spend some time in the sun. The event was amazing. The organization sponsors women who have survived war all over the world. The woman will receive some spending money, job training, and classes about their rights. On the other side of the relationship, a person can sponsor a woman for $27 a month. They write to the woman and if it is possible, the woman may write back. It was amazing to hear some of the letters that came out of the countries served by the organization, women from Rwanda, Bosnia, and Sudan.

I just finsihed reading the memoir written by the founder of Women for Women International. She grew up in Iraq under Saddam Hussein and writes eloquently about the experience of having had Saddam Hussein chose her parents to be "friends" with, and the myriad ways that changed her life.

It was amazingly exciting to find myself surrounded by people for whom my life's goals are a reality. I want to work on so many of the issues that Women for Women International is involved with. Creating sustainability, empowering and educating women, taking responsibilty for the effects inherent in living in the first world.

Today I looked into a correspondance masters in Public Administration from the University of Colorado. Something to do with myself before I start graduate school for real.

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